Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!

We are counting down the days till we finally pick up our daughter. I am so looking forward going to Moscow.I hope the beds are more comfortable there. We have been waking up like 3 times a night the beds are hard as a rock and my body just can't take it anymore.We have visited all the places that we can around here and now we are counting down every minute of the day. It's pretty boring here so we spent our time on the laptop,watching the same shows over and over or playing a game of UNO. We love going to the orphanage because it breaks up the day. Now due to the 4 day Russian Holiday its a maybe if we'll see our daughter on friday,than we have the weekend,than we see her on monday and get her on Tuesday. We cant wait!


Jen said...

Where are you guys staying in Moscow? The Marriott beds are pretty comfy.

Jeanette said...

We stayed at two different Marriotts and we thought both beds were hard as rocks. I'm sorry to say that. They felt like we were sleeping on a stack of newspapers. My husband and I both had backaches. You'll get through though! The end (or beginning) is so close :)

Lance and Summer Sims said...

Just keep the thought of Tuesday at the front of your mind- that will make the hard beds seem all so worth it- I'm sure! Praying for you!
Summer Sims

Our Russian Adopted Princess said...

Good luck with the rest of the journey. Your life will change forever once you have her with you, so don't be surprised if you don't sleep at all when she is with you. Its good that you have some downtime now, it will be all go go go once she is in your arms.

Ursula said...

Which Marriott are you staying at? We stayed at the Royal Aurora, and, I thought the beds were dreamy. I am so excited for you both!!

Unknown said...

It will come by quick. Do you at least have a TV?

Maggie and Randy said...

We will be at the COurtyard Marriott in Moscow. In Vlad, we do have TV...but only one english channel (BBC) that plays the same shows over and over. The Russia music channel is okay and so is Arirang, the Korean channel.

Steve and Stella said...

We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott and the beds were fine. By the way there is a play room for the little one.

amy said...

Your post made me laugh a little - we went crazy with the terrible beds at the Vlad Inn :) Thank goodness in Moscow the Courtyard Marriott had an awesome bed.

We loved watching Russian mTV in Moscow... lots of white Russians rapping. Hilarious :)

You are so close now!!!

Shelly and Steve said...

I can't wait to hear more about your little one and see pics. Is she in the duck room? I wonder if she and Anna played together?

Our Courtyard Marritott bed was marginally more comfortable. Hopefully the playroom will be open for you....it wasn't for us and made for a long stay with a 2 yr old. But I did love the included breakfast buffett and we made sure we got our moneys worth everyday. The eggs benidict were GREAT. I enjoyed their room service too and the Flat Iron restaurant.

Craig & Kelly said...

I found the Courtyard beds to almost be too soft. Which will probably be good for you guys considering the beds you are in now.

We keep thinking about you guys. This stage is almost over and the next one about to begin.

We have penciled in the 4th. We are anxious to see you guys again.