Sunday, August 28, 2011

update on the storm

the storm was very windy and rainy and although half of CT is without power, we were spared. It was just boring for Polina since she usually plays outside, so we all were getting antsy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


So it's 5:48 in CT right now and we are just waiting on this storm. We stocked up on bread,water and batteries. Yesterday when I went to the store almost all the water was gone. I hope its not going to be as bad as they say. We tied the grill to our deck and placed all the chairs and table into the shed.We also placed a tarp under our front door. last time when it rained hard we got some water so hopefully this will help a little. I will let you all know tomorrow what is going on.hopefully it wont be anything big. Wish us luck!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August update

Well, its been a while as we have been busy with the family and MAggie's unexpected surgery. Turns out its pretty common to have gallstones after pregnancy, and sure enough Maggie has severe pains and needed to have her gallbladder out. Luckily, her mom (grandma) was able to live with us for three weeks until Maggie could fully recover and pickup the baby again.

Polina has been doing very well and continues to grow and thrive. She is putting together more and more words and likes to babble on, pretending like she is talking. We need to start potty training her as she still doesnt really like the potty at all, and we dont want to force it.

We have been in touch with Illich, and in the coming weeks, will be looking forward to having him travel from Moscow to Vladivostok to find Polina's birth mom. We want to try and make contact and get additional information and maybe even start a dialogue. We know there are mixed feelings from adoptive families, but we at least want to have as much info as possible and then if Polina chooses to learn about the info, at least we have something.

Baby Mia is doing well. She is growing like crazy and is slowly sleeping better at night. She is quite the Princess, and Polina loves being an older sister. Some additional pictures are posted below....